Cash Crusader Script Backup

Backups are not made automatically by the script, but are made manually from CPanel (in the Backups section). It is a good idea to make backups from CPanel regularly, but not ideal to make them to save online. Better to take a 'Home' backup and save it to your hard disk. Saving them online has two drawbacks - firstly the disk space usage, and also the fact that often the times when you need to fall back on a backup would be due to losing data on the server - so the backups can be unavailable to you for whatever reason you need them.

As for downloading a Cash Crusader script backup, that can be done in the Cash Crusader admin: click on the 'Backup' button once you login. If you want to make backups via cpanel: you would go to 'Backup' and then download 'Home Directory Backup' and 'Download a MySQL Database Backup' - these will save to your desktop.

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